A Lifelong Connection

A lifelong connection

*Author’s Note: I wrote this 2012 during my “emo” phase. Please forgive me. -DP 

As we begin this 4th of July week (I hate when it falls in the middle of the week...how can I leisurely enjoy my time?!), I spend some of my time reflecting on the first half of the year, and how this time last year I was at an odd place in life. I lost family members, lost relationships, gained new amazing friends and started to break out of a shell of loneliness that I was in for the better part of 2 years. But there is a lot to be happy about half way through 2012. Some amazing friends and people have come into my life and a lot of great things have happened. One of the most notable was this past weekend at the Ball Hog 40th Reunion. 


The Ball Hogs is a group of friends that my parents grew up with and played volleyball with in the early 70's. This group is like almost any group of people you'll see camping out at the Philadelphia Folk Festival. People that believe in love, peace, happiness (happiness=beer and great music), and just want to have a good time. They are hardworking (working=sometimes equals drinking beer) people that hung out starting in 1972. This was their facebook group for the time. The group expanded the same way you add friends to your page, just different.  Slowly over time relationships were formed, marriages and divorces were had, but there was always a common bond with this group centered around a sport that falls into the same category as mini golf and bowling. We all love it when we do it, but never do it with as much regularity as we say we should. This group did. They met on weekends, relaxed and jammed, and remained friends longer than most friendships do.


But as long as the connection remains, the contact does dwindle, and for years some of these people disappeared. Some of those near and dear to us have even passed away.  While the internet has helped find some of them, they still are very private people who live in the moment. That is what made this weekend even more special. Some came from down the street, others came from Sweden and some took two modes of public transportation and then walked the last two miles. All of this just to make it to a field where this all originated. They came to rekindle something that made them a part of who they are today.  It's the fact that every connection we have along our journey has an impact on us.  Some greater than others and some more troubling.  But each connection means something.  Especially with such a large group who consistently met for a long period of time.  


Getting 115 people together at one event isn't the easiest task in today's society where everyone bounces around from event to event. But there is a respect for these friendships that have endured time that I am completely envious of.  I can only hope to have something close to resembling the turnout you see in the pictures.  Everyone in that picture is smiling (or drinking...or smoking), and what you see is true love and happiness.  Grandparents, parents, kids and grandkids.  Many generations, and many were strangers.  But for that day, we were all Ball Hog Family.


Daniel Price